From Getting Wrecked to Getting RECC'd! How Quitting Alcohol Led to the Birth of RECC.

From Getting Wrecked to Getting RECC'd! How Quitting Alcohol Led to the Birth of RECC.

How did quitting alcohol lead to launching a global activewear company?

In December of 2017, during my freelance writing days, I wrote an article for News Corp that went completely viral. What I thought would be a one-off piece to inspire others to chase a healthier lifestyle, ended up being published & repurposed all over the world. A writer's dream - especially when the purpose of the piece is to uplift & inspire!

Yes, it had a wonderful ripple effect that gave many others the permission they were seeking & the motivation they couldn't find within their close circle; to put down their drink, but it also attracted some criticism and trolls. We got slammed with comments about how boring we must be, how sad our social lives must look, and even accusations that we were most-likely drug users instead of drinkers (because thats the only way to explain our weight loss and energy levels LOL!)

Because at the time, being a non-drinker in our society wasn't really talked about or welcomed. There was a stigma attached to this movement and to be honest; at times we felt like we were going against the grain of what's normal (but hey... maybe that's exactly where we liked to be 😉) However, I felt proud that our vulnerability and our story was triggering and hosting the conversations around this topic. A lot has changed in the 7 years since we first shared that post - the alcohol-free options at the bar & bottle shop has grown significantly and MANY others are more confident to open up and share their stories of how their life now looks alcohol-free.

Although I could delve into all the positive things not-drinking bought into our happier hormones & organs, more energy, a regulated nervous system, weight loss, slower signs of ageing, a calm happy family home, the ability to run ultramarathons and a deeper, happier connection as a husband and wife... I instead wanted to share with you how this simple notion of quitting alcohol led to the birth & creation of RECC. Active!

May sound a little far-fetched, but I wholeheartedly believe that if it wasn't for that conscious lifestyle change back in 2015 (for Chris) and 2016 (for me) then life would look VERY different now in January 2024! Quitting alcohol was the very seed that was planted, watered overtime, nurtured patiently & now flourished into our company and brand = RECC. 

HOW? Because it was quitting alcohol & wanting to feel healthier in my own skin that led me to start running. Chris had always been a runner & athlete but I had witnessed how his energy levels, motivation & body shape had changed significantly within the 100 days of him quitting drinking & re-focusing on fitness again - and I wanted that! So...I laced up and gave it a try. I was slow, the distances were embarrassingly short, it hurt, it was hard, but it also felt bloody good to move my body & commit to something so challenging. A lap or 2 around our block was all I could manage, but it felt like a small win each time! And yes it was a juggle with a toddler, a 7yr old, a teenager, a full-time job and a husband who worked big hours - but we made it work.

After making friends with a runner at work, she encouraged me to come to the local Parkrun so I could start pushing myself to run a little further. Turning up that first Saturday with the kids and dog in tow was terrifying - until I realised the community was the most beautiful & contagious thing I'd ever experienced and the vibes were addictively high. The rest was history really! That first Saturday turned into every Saturday. 2kms turned into 5kms, which turned into 8kms, which turned into "I wonder if I can run 15kms?", which turned into half-marathons, PB's, full length marathons, 50kms races and even a 100km event with a team that I met through that very Parkrun. My life was immensely richer and more abundant because of this sport! Outside of work and parenting, I now had this intricate web of like-minded friends to spend my time with, goals that set my heart on fire (literally haha), events that excited and motivated me, training groups that inspired & challenged me and intentional daily flexes of physical stress that left me floating on endorphins and that elusive runner's high for hours, itching to be done again for that next hit. My cup was literally overflowing - and not with wine or champagne - but with life!! For the first time in a while - I was completely in love with my life and had this gnawing sensation to seep the most our of every single day & say YES to whatever was thrown my way.

Running tested my grit, my resilience, my self-confidence & my drive. All of which are skills that were learned as I pounded the pavement - but could be applied to my every day life! This new-found zest allowed me to dream bigger than ever before. I had the guts to show up life, in sport & in business! I realised that I can do hard things - which became our new family mantra. And this new life of chasing all the (healthy) breadcrumbs of what felt good and right and fun is where the niggle of starting an active-based company began.

We played with ideas around a 'running one-stop online shop' stocking shoes, gels, socks, hydration vests and more from other brands. I researched the bejesus out of creating our own supplement/nutrition company and for a few years in the middle there I even ran a social-selling wellness business. However my heart just kept coming back to wanting to design and sell fitness apparel and activewear - which had now become a longterm vision and dream. I wasn't much of a gym-goer at the time, purely a daily runner but even after trying every brand under the sun, I was still struggling to find a pair of running shorts & an interactive crop top that ticked all my boxes as an active Mumma in her early 40's. So, I designed them myself. And once the designs were perfected; we scarily dug into our family savings to birth RECC. Active, launching in April 2023 with just 3 products, 6 sizes & some crew socks 🤩

As they say "from little things, big things grow" which is the best way to sum up RECC. That little seed that we planted is growing and flourishing at a healthy & exciting pace. We sold out of that first collection within 2.5 months and had to do an emergency re-stock when this inventory shock hit us! We then launched Collection #2 in November 2023 - the BLOOM Collection which we've seen flying off the shelves, gathering 5 star reviews & giving us an excited buzz of what is possible as we head into 2024! Collection #3 is in the works 🤗 as is a Men's range 🤫.

Who would've thought that closing the door to drinking would lead to opportunities that opened the doors to this epically beautiful life. A life where health is our number one value & we get to immerse ourselves into the very lifestyle we preach and promote. It is a bit of a pinch-me experience seeing our products being worn and loved by athletes around the nation as they tackle their own dreams and goals and demons! We get to be apart of people's journey's and challenges and stories. Now, that is seriously cool!

The butterfly effect we've experienced from quitting alcohol has been nothing but a treasured gift! 

We'll raise our (mineral water) glasses to that 🤪


Claire & Chris Chadwick - RECC. Founders & Directors. Almost 9 years since they set out on a 100 day no-alcohol challenge and haven't had a sip since. 


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